I love food. I love everything about food--the science, the art, the social aspect, the ethics. Someone like me loves to eat, but good food. None of this McDonalds crap (unless, let's face it, it's 3 am and you're drunk and you need something to soak up that booze before you hit the sack!). I avoid fast food as much as I can. I really take pride in cooking a meal. I enjoy going out to eat. However, even though I eat "well" I recognize that I am probably still not eating well. By that I mean, often the meals I make can contain a lot of fattening ingredients, or may lack veggies, for example. And, I enjoy drinking socially (no, I'm not an alcoholic- I promise-- but I can definitely hold my own).
This presents a problem because I am a mid-20s woman, relatively healthy at the moment but probably in the overweight category for BMI. I'm 5' 4" and wear a size 12 or large in clothing. I am content with my body type. I could stand to lose some fat, but if I didn't, it wouldn't be the end of my world. I love that I have an hourglass figure, even though it's far from thin. I didn't always feel this way about my body though. It's just in the past couple months that I've decided, "I am beautiful. This is who I am. There's only one me. And I better rock it!"
My family has a history of high cholesterol and heart issues, as well as obesity and I really don't want to fall into that lifestyle. Especially at a young age.
My lifestyle: I am pretty much the average woman. I am very busy in my occupation and I also end up volunteering or becoming involved with too many social/networking circles.
This is my attempt to become conscious of my food decisions. If it's on "paper" then I will have a record of how often I am aware of the health factor in the food I make, as well as on other decisions I make for or against living a healthier lifestyle (such as going for a jog or going out to the pub for a few pints with the guys). Also, I hope that if someone else is reading this, they may follow along and realize they're not alone in the everyday struggles with eating well and living a healthy lifestyle. And as always, I would love any kind of feedback, esp. if it can improve my life.