Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mental health is important too

I never thought I'd be one to worry about mental health.  But over the last month I noticed a stark difference between my positive, outgoing, confident outlook on life to the current glum, self-doubting, and slightly reclusive mannerisms of late.  And after experiencing such positive feelings, these negative ones are just so annoying. And I try to get myself out of this funk, but it hasn't happened yet.  It's just so hard. I mean, it's easy to say I shouldn't feel this way, I should get over that. But it's not easy to do.

So if anyone is wondering where my posts have disappeared... this is partly why.  I don't know what to do about it yet, but I hope to return back to my old self, because everyone deserves to feel that good in life.

The other reason is that recently I was in Chicago for a Food Conference.  I also ran a 5 K.  My goal was to run the whole thing, but with little training and having had an allergic reaction the night before requiring benadryl and paramedics, I was in no shape to run the whole thing.

I did, however, run one mile before I stopped running and started walking.  After that it was all a run/walk. The run took place along the lake in Grant Park, Chicago with an amazing view of the city skyline!

I shall end with a quote I saw on a friend's facebook wall:  "All you need is within you. You are already perfect." -Aljoscha  A. Schwarz

I need to keep reminding myself that.

Monday, July 12, 2010

A little break

It's been a while since I last wrote.  I've simply had so much stuff going on. I realized today I'm still dealing with the loss of my grandmother.  Also, we just welcomed a new baby into the family. I have a new niece now and she's adorable. And in between all that, I've had a lot going on at work and preparing to leave for Chicago.

I'm heading to Chicago on Friday, July 16th for the Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting and Food Expo.  I'm super excited for this. I will learn a lot and it will be a week long party accompanied with great networking. And I will be running a 5 km race there.  I am actually going to try this time to run the entire thing without stopping to walk. Not sure if I can do it, because I've only been running once a week these days.

When I come back, I have a wedding to attend. And after, it should be life as usual, whatever that means.

I'm also learning to battle my inner demons... I think I'm a pretty normal person in general, and on the exterior, to everyone, I seem fine.  I'm a social butterfly. But I need to find my own inner peace so I can truly be happy. Everyone does.  When all this July madness is over, I'm going to really try to make exercise a more normal part of my routine.  I may even attempt to make some sort of routine in my life.  I have a tendency to overbook myself and socialize every night of the week.  I need to learn to make some me time where I just sit on my own, and be with myself.  That is another thing I'm not good at.

Until then...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Squamish Chief Fail!

The story of our trip to the Chief today still cracks me up right now.  So basically, we didn't go.  This trip was doomed from the start.  The weather wasn't that great today.  The one day in the week that it was supposed to rain was today.  We had the most clueless guide (there were two, the other was okay--knowledgeable, but not very nice).  So we start off and she said we had to go pick up the other guide in North Vancouver somewhere (we're in a mini-bus).  As she crosses the Lion's Gate Bridge, she ran over a pylon and we all freaked out like, "What was that?!"  And the woman was so oblivious to it, like nothing was wrong.  We stopped at the shopping centre to pick up the other guide and get coffee.  She didn't even get out to check if everything was okay on the bus.

Then we stop for gas and get on our merry way to Squamish.  But we had barely driven a few kilometres on the highway in West Vancouver and the car started giving up so she had to pull over.  Then, (THE PUNCHLINE) our guide/driver realized she put gasoline in a vehicle that required diesel................... A W E S O M E...........................

Long story short from this point on.  The second guide decided to arrange a makeshift hike near by where we broke down. But me, my sister, and friend didn't want to do this hike for what we paid since it was an easily accessible one. We could do that any day.  We all had to take the bus, so we had to walk along the highway for a couple of kilometres until we got back into the city.  Then walk more to the bus stop.... it took us 2 hours to get back to where we parked our car once we got on the bus.  Ridiculous, ridiculous, ridiculous!

So not impressed.... will post photos of our scenic highway hike soon.  In the end, the 3 of us just decided we'll do the Chief on our own terms, on a sunnier day, another time.  Till then, I'm going to fight to get my money back, plus transport costs back.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Rockstar dance moves

So, as I mentioned in my last post, I went dancing last night.  The music was pretty decent--a mix of old school hip hop and new school dance music.  There was this South Indian guy there that must have been a professional dancer (I thought) because he was totally bustin' a move on the dance floor.  At some point we crossed paths on the dance floor and I totally kept up with him. He's such a good dancer! It was tons of fun, and a great work out. Now, for that I don't need to drink at all.  South Indians have some crazy moves.   Check it out:

Now, if I could only find out the name of the song I was dancing to... it was really cool. It seemed European or jazz-y but with a fast tempo.  It had a trumpet playing in it like jive music.

And in case you were wondering, the gluten free cake was a hit! They said it tasted like normal chocolate cake! Success!

Tomorrow, we're off to climb chief mountain.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Dancing the Night away x 5

Man, it seems like I have been, and will be going dancing several weekends in a row.  Right now I'm in the middle of this trend.  I went last week for a friend's goodbye, tomorrow is another friend's birthday. Following week another birthday. Then I go to Chicago for a conference, which I was told will be one huge 5 day-long party (I'm sure my liver will hate me after that... but it won't be done).  And the weekend I get back I have the wedding of some good friends that I will be sure to bust out my best dance moves for.

I love dancing.  Unfortunately, I usually feel the need for a little liquid courage before stepping on the dance floor.  Which adds the calories.  I'm sure the amount I dance burns some of those calories, but my dilemma is still the same. If I want to lose weight, I should cut back on the booze. I know that. At least lower my tolerance some how so that I don't need to drink much at all. It doesn't look like that's happening this month.

Or maybe my problems are bigger than losing weight? I actually do wonder that....

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Gluten free ≠ Healthy Diet

One of my best friends recently discovered she has Celiacs disease. This is when someone cannot digest the wheat protein called gluten.  It's in everything, almost.  I could never imagine me on a gluten-free diet.  I love bread WAYYYYY too much.  Fortunately for her, she loves rice.  So she gets by.

Her birthday is coming up.  A flourless cake? It can be done, but usually these are dense, chocolate torte-like desserts...  I thought I would try and make a proper birthday cake for her made with a different type of non-wheat flour (sorghum flour).  It's kind of a surprise, but she'll find out in less than 24 hours.  I followed the recipe by the Gluten Free Goddess. But I made it a proper chocolate cake, no coffee.  And I used real eggs.  In my opinion, the cake is a little odd tasting. But it doesn't taste too much unlike the Betty Crocker Devils Food Cake Mix.  Maybe it'll taste better with chocolate butter cream frosting.  Will find out tomorrow.